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Quality education & CPD from hundreds of providers around Australia all in one place

  • Category

  • Course Format

  • Duration

CPD HOW TO TREAT Male infertility

  • Online
  • Self Paced

Vocally disruptive behaviour and dementia

  • Online
  • Self Paced

Online Learning Module – Oral Contraceptive Pill Masterclass

  • Online
  • Self Paced
  • A Few Hours

Clinical Brief 3 – The interplay between low testosterone and diabetes

  • Online
  • Self Paced

Advanced Certificate in Dermatology and Skin Cancer (17 online modules + 1 face-to-face workshop)

  • Online
  • Self Paced
  • Longer Courses

CPD SELF-DIRECTED CPD Don’t wait on weight – tackling obesity

  • Online
  • Self Paced
  • A Few Hours

CPD HOW TO TREAT ADHD in young people

  • Online
  • Self Paced

Highlights in CLL and lymphoma from ASCO, EHA & ICML – key conference updates relevant to the Australian landscape

  • Online
  • Self Paced

Noisy breathing in children: when to be concernedNoisy breathing in children: when to be concerned

  • Online
  • Self Paced

Engaging children: Ideas that stick

  • Online
  • Self Paced
  • A Few Hours

Quirky, Twitchy, Thingy, Dreamy, Bouncy

  • Online
  • Self Paced

Rapid Learning | Oncological emergencies: Tumour Lysis Syndrome (TLS)

  • Online
  • Self Paced
  • A Few Hours

Managing chronic non-cancer pain: Alternatives to pharmacotherapy

  • Online
  • Self Paced

Ultrasound Guided Regional Anaesthesia

  • Online
  • Self Paced

Shared Decision Making in Major Depressive Disorder (Clinical Brief)

  • Online
  • Self Paced

Food Vitals: Inflammatory bowel disease and the gut microbiome

  • Online
  • Self Paced
  • A Few Hours

Dementia Discovery

  • Online
  • Self Paced
  • A Few Hours

Module 5: Using eMental Health – Coaching the patient

  • Online
  • Self Paced

Prescribing Nutrition

  • Online
  • Self Paced
  • Full Day

Common skin lesions

  • Online
  • Self Paced
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