Finance and Banking

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Supporting sustainable operations through finance

Receive unbiased financial planning advice and fast-turn around loans with efficient finance and banking services.

Finance and banking services support healthcare practices in all lifecycle stages through providing various loans (including commercial property, equipment and goodwill loans), advice regarding capitalisation of costs and tailored financial solutions. Such services help medical practices navigate which loan is right for their needs, take care of financial legalities surrounding investment and repayment terms and investigate practice details for cash flow.


Applications for practice-related bank loans can be made online, and you will be required to provide details about yourself and your practice. Depending on your practice’s specific needs, approval and further correspondence may be conducted via online means. Alternatively, face-to-face or video consultations may be organised for discussion, banking advice and financial solutions. If you have any questions surrounding finance and banking services, you may also wish to book a consultation with an experienced industry professional.


As a Doceo member, you can receive effective financial and banking guidance from hand-picked specialists and officers to improve practice operations and longevity.

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