Russell Lee

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Founding Director Health Business Network (HBN)

Clinician, Educator, Strategist Co-founder Open Heart International

Recognised internationally for his ground-breaking work as a cardiovascular clinician, educator and consultant, Russell has guided hundreds of practices to profitability through KPI-driven change management in administration, strategy and operations. He has extensive experience in health administration and more recently in the set up of 26 multi-practice health precincts in 2018-2020.

Russell also co-founded Open Heart International – which has provided 6500 life-saving surgeries in 16 countries and has attracted more than 5000 volunteers. This program brings surgical relief to people in low-income countries and provides skills training for locals to develop self-sustaining medical services.

Russell was awarded the AO in 2012 for distinguished service to the international community which has provided extraordinary insight into providing successful and scalable operations in Australia.

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