Talking HealthTech: 420 – Patient engagement and interoperability. Rafic Habib, Clinovera

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Talking HealthTech

Published on:
12 March 2024

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Healthcare technology is an ever-evolving landscape, driven by the need for greater efficiency, improved patient care, and accessibilityto healthcare services. In this episode of Talking HealthTech recorded from within Hamilton Gardens in New Zealand, Peter Birch speaks with Rafic Habib, the Managing Director for Clinovera in Asia Pacific to explore the role of technology in healthcare and the opportunities and challenges it presents. 

Introducing: Rafic Habib

Rafic has a long experience in healthcare technology and a passion for driving innovation and change in the industry. He’s the Managing Director for Clinovera in Asia Pacific.

The Role of Technology in Healthcare

Rafic delves into the significance of technology in modern healthcare, emphasising the need for innovative solutions to address key challenges faced by the industry. He reflects on the critical aspects of patient engagement and interoperability, asserting that these are still paramount in discussions around healthcare. 

Navigating Complexity in Healthcare Technology

Shifting to the complexities of healthcare technology, particularly in developing tailored solutions for different healthcare organisations, Rafic underlines the importance of finding an engineering partner who understands the nuances of healthcare, stating, “Finding an engineering partner who really understands those segments and can help you navigate the complexities in healthcare is probably key here.”


Building Solutions with a Consultative Approach

Rafic discusses the approach that Clinovera takes in building solutions, emphasising the importance of partnership with the client. He highlights the significance of organisational readiness and having a clear vision before embarking on a technology project. 

The conversation delves into the challenges surrounding data governance and security in healthcare technology. Rafic emphasises the delicate balance required in managing patient data, stating, “There’s still a struggle around how to manage data better, struggle between privacy, our rights to privacy, ownership, and accessibilityof data.”

Looking to the Future

Rafic provides a glimpse into the future of Clinovera and their focus on growing the region. He emphasises delivering solutions that align with core values, such as interoperability, and bespoke development. 

With a focus on innovation, patient engagement, and interoperability, technology plays a critical role in shaping the future of healthcare. As the industry continues to evolve, the importance of embracing innovation to drive positive change in healthcare delivery has never been greater.
