Talking HealthTech: 419 – Employer-driven healthcare access. Steve Zinsli, HealthNow

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Talking HealthTech

Published on:
8 March 2024

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Healthcare accessibility has been a global challenge for individuals facing cost-related barriers. In this episode of the Talking HealthTech podcast, guest Steve Zinsli shares insights into the innovative approaches and technology-driven solutions aimed at making healthcare more affordable and accessible. He covers the intersection of technology, healthcare, and employer contributions as a means to empower individuals in managing their health needs.

Understanding the Healthcare Accessibility Challenge

Steve Zinsli is passionate about making healthcare affordable and accessible. There are formidable problems faced by individuals around the world in accessing healthcare due to cost-related barriers, and there is an urgent need for innovative solutions to bridge the gap in healthcare accessibility.

Leveraging Technology to Enhance Healthcare Access

Steve transitioned from building brick and mortar healthcare businesses to embracing technology as a means to scale healthcare accessibility. An essential aspect was the adoption of a health-specific buy-now-pay-later solution, facilitating employer-specific health wallets to support employees in accessing healthtech.

The Role of Employers in Enhancing Healthcare Access

Zinsli emphasised the vital role of employers in contributing to their employees’ health and well-being. The innovative approach of funding employee health wallets is a means for employers to support and empower their workforce in accessing essential healthcare services.

“As an employer, you have to recognise that your employees are spending the majority of the time that they’re awake within your organisation, which means that you are the primary beneficiary of them being healthy.”

Revolutionising Healthcare Payment Methodologies

The utilisation of a HealthNow Mastercard to streamline the allocation and utilisation of healthcare funds was an innovative approach that not only simplifies employers’ provision of benefits but also enhances employees’ autonomy and seamless access to diverse healthcare services.

Employees have funds on the card, they go and tap that card on a payment terminal in a clinic, and the whole process uses the existing Mastercard payment system. 


Impacts and Potentials of Employer-Supported Healthcare Initiatives

There is increasing interest in employer-supported healthcare initiatives in the Australian market. It has the potential to reduce the burden on private health insurers, while collaborating with the existing healthcare infrastructure.

Pioneering a New Era of Healthcare Accessibility

There is transformative potential of technology-driven healthcare solutions, supported by employer contributions.There is a shift towards a more inclusive, accessible, and employer-empowered healthcare system. As the healthcare landscape continues to evolve, the integration of technology and employer support emerges as an opportunity to address the global challenge of healthcare accessibility.

“If we’re successful and people have better access to short term health with better long term health outcomes, we’re going to see a reduction in claiming.” 
