Talking HealthTech: 416 – Digital Health Week NZ 2023 by HiNZ

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Talking HealthTech

Published on:
27 February 2024

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In this episode of Talking HealthTech, we delve into the dynamic world of digital healthcare with a focus on New Zealand’s efforts and innovation in the field. These discussions were recorded at Digital Health Week NZ hosted by HiNZ, and featured guests who shared their visions for a health system that is increasingly supported by digital technology to deliver enhanced patient care, whilst ensuring cultural competence and community involvement.

The Digital Health Landscape in New Zealand

The healthcare sector in New Zealand is undergoing a digital transformation, striving to overcome the challenges of its smaller size and diverse populations. This includes the involvement of community members—not just as patients but as active participants in the development of health technology. Grahame Grieve conveyed his support for New Zealand’s health initiatives and the positive impact community and cultural elements have on these efforts, stating, “It’s about building something that’s not only technologically innovative but also culturally sensitive.”

Innovating with Community at Heart

Empathy and understanding of specific communities are integral to New Zealand’s health technology advancements. Tim Corbett highlighted the significance of the Maori community’s involvement in Digital Health Week, with events cementing the importance of this connection. This inclusive approach not only enriches the technological side of health but ensures the solutions developed are meaningful and respect cultural sensibilities.

The Intersection of Technology and Traditional Wisdom

New Zealand’s approach to healthcare technology doesn’t merely focus on innovation for its own sake but looks at how it can harmoniously blend with traditional wisdom for better health outcomes. “We must align technology with real health challenges, ensuring that we are not just implementing new tech but transforming health,” emphasised Tim Corbett during his discussion on the indigenous approach to healthcare.


Amplifying Care Through Technology

The integration of technology in healthcare is not limited to digital health records or telemedicine. Al Duncan from Webtools NZ shared insights on technologies like kiosks that take patient vitals, emphasising the co-design process with health providers. “Our focus is on executing visions that result in tangible changes to healthcare in New Zealand,” said Duncan.


Digital Advocacy and Healthcare Legislation

Digital advocacy plays a crucial role in shaping healthcare legislation and industry standards. Ryl Jensen from the Digital Health Association NZ talked about the importance of communication between industry and government to maintain trust and collaboration. Her contribution to legislation discussion showcases how technology and policy must go hand in hand.


Challenges and Transformations

Despite its many advances, New Zealand’s healthcare system still faces challenges, such as reliance on paper-based processes. “Healthcare is still heavily paper-based, and we face challenges in accessing personal health information,” David Habib from Fujifilm explained. However, companies like Fujifilm, Webtools and many others on display at HiNZ are committed to creating scalable and compliant solutions for storing and accessing medical data, fostering a more digitised and efficient healthcare environment.


The Human Element in Health Technology

Acknowledging the human aspect is vital when introducing technology into healthcare. Guest speakers discussed the necessity of involving older patients in the design of health services and technology, considering the expected increase in New Zealand’s population of people over 85 in the next 15 years. It’s crucial to provide equitable services, ensuring health technology doesn’t exacerbate existing disparities.

Cultural Sensitivity and Technology Adaptation

In a health system as diverse as New Zealand’s, it is essential to adapt technology within cultural contexts. Manu Sione from Te Whatu Ora emphasised the importance of a patient summary with stories attached, not just for record-keeping but as a tool to knit communities closer in looking after each other’s health.


The Role of International Collaboration

This episode also underscored the importance of international collaboration in healthcare technology. Guests like Grahame Grieve pointed out the mutual benefits that can be derived from sharing learnings and standards across borders, specifically the international patient summary standard, which is crucial for transient workforces.


The Future of Healthcare Technology

When envisioning the future of healthcare technology, guests like Dr. Simon Kos from Microsoft noted the shift towards improving clinician and patient experiences. Global practice leaders like Dr. Kaveh Safavi from Accenture highlighted the necessity of technology in extending human capacities to meet the rising demands of an ageing population.

The conversation concluded on an optimistic note, with a recognition of the strides made in healthcare technology and the potential for continued innovation. As Anne O’Hanlon from Orion Health articulated, “We are inspired by the wisdom shared at the conference, acknowledging the achievements already made in the healthcare sector—we’re here not just to discuss, but to motivate and usher in progress.”


This episode of Talking HealthTech offered a comprehensive look at New Zealand’s progress in integrating technology into healthcare. It acknowledged the challenges but also celebrated the community-focused solutions and the promise of better health outcomes through digital innovation. The insights from thought leaders and healthcare professionals paint a picture of a collaborative, culturally aware, patient-centric future for health tech, aligning with global standards while catering to local needs.

Envisioning a Connected Health System

Navigating the complexities of the healthcare system requires a comprehensive, connected approach, blending the expertise of technological innovators with the ancestral wisdom of communities. New Zealand’s focused, collaborative work offers a model for achieving a balance that respects both the advances in technology and the necessity of human touch in healthcare. Through this dialogue and a connected health system, we can look forward to a future where technology empowers communities, enhances healthcare delivery, and maintains the essence of cultural identity in care.
