Talking HealthTech: 395 – Integrated Solutions in Mental Health Care. Denisha Allicock – MTX Group and Bryan Tan – Salesforce

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Talking HealthTech

Published on:
21 November 2023

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In a recent episode of the Talking HealthTech podcast, host Peter Birch speaks with Denisha Allicock, Public Health Strategist at MTX, and Dr Bryan Tan, the Chief Health Officer for Salesforce, APAC. The discussion centred around the importance of collaborative partnerships in driving innovation in healthcare technology, with a specific focus on mental health and behavioural health.

Collaborative Partnerships for Innovating Healthcare Technology

Collaborations bring together the expertise, resources, and innovative solutions necessary for addressing complex challenges in the healthcare industry. By leveraging their respective strengths, these organisations can create integrated and customizable platforms that empower healthcare providers to deliver high-quality care effectively.

The Evolution of Healthcare Technology

Healthcare organisations have traditionally faced a choice between purchasing fully pre-configured solutions or platforms that offer full configurability but lack ready-to-use functionalities. However, Salesforce and MTX have taken a different approach. Salesforce has invested in developing a healthcare-specific product with a data model aligned to industry standards like FHIR. This provides healthcare organisations with a comprehensive set of tools and capabilities out of the box, while still allowing for customization and innovation.

The Role of MTX in Amplifying Healthcare Outcomes

As a strategic partner of Salesforce, MTX harnesses the power of the Salesforce platform to create innovative solutions. Driven by a commitment to innovation, MTX combines their business expertise with subject matter experts to develop solutions that enhance patient outcomes. An example discussed was the transformation of contact tracing from a manual, paper-based process to a technology-enabled, intuitive process. This technology ensures that investigators can ask the right questions, obtain accurate answers, and minimise the spread of infectious diseases in real-time.


The Importance of Integrated Behavioral Health

Integrated behavioural health plays a critical role in healthcare. This involves bringing behavioural health clinicians to the table alongside physicians to provide patient-centred care. By considering a patient’s mental health alongside their physical health, healthcare providers can offer comprehensive care that addresses all aspects of the patient’s well-being. This collaborative approach helps to maximise quality of life and improve patient outcomes.

Leveraging Telehealth and Digital Solutions

Telehealth and digital solutions play a significant role in connecting various stakeholders within the healthcare ecosystem, especially in addressing mental health challenges. These technologies go beyond traditional transactional interactions between clinicians and patients. They enable a longitudinal view of a patient’s journey, allowing for continuous monitoring, personalised care plans, and improved coordination among multidisciplinary care teams. Telehealth technologies enhance the accessibility, affordability, and convenience of mental health services, breaking down barriers to care.


The Power of Collaborative Partnerships

The episode of Talking Health Tech highlighted the power of collaborative partnerships in driving innovation in healthcare technology. The partnership between Salesforce and MTX exemplifies the successful integration of expertise, resources, and technology to create tailored solutions for healthcare providers. By focusing on patient-centred care and leveraging digital solutions, such as telehealth, the healthcare industry can deliver comprehensive, integrated, and accessible behavioural health services. With collaborative partnerships at the forefront, healthcare technology continues to evolve, transforming the way we approach and address mental health challenges.
