Talking HealthTech: 394 – The symbiotic relationship of software and hardware in healthcare. Shawn Wigham, HPA

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Talking HealthTech

Published on:
17 November 2023

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The intersection of healthcare and technology is an ever-evolving landscape that is shaping the future of patient care and operational efficiency within healthcare institutions. In a recent episode of Talking HealthTech, the conversation between host Peter Birch and guest Shawn Wigham, Managing Director of HPA, shed light on the pivotal role of technology in healthcare, the evolution of hardware and software solutions, and the potential impact of AI and wearables in the coming years. This article aims to delve into the key insights and discussions from the episode to provide a deeper understanding of the transformative potential of technology in healthcare.

The Journey of HPA

Shawn Wigham revealed the journey of HPA, highlighting its humble beginnings and rapid growth over the past decade. He shared, “We’re just about to hit 50 full-time employees around the country – we’ve got sites in Perth, Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane as well.” This growth reflects not only HPA’s success but also the increasing demand for innovative technology solutions within the healthcare sector.

The Significance of Integrations and Partnerships

Wigham emphasised the importance of integrations and partnerships within the healthcare technology space, stating, “Not one company can do it all. Finding niche organisations from around the globe and partnering with them to bring solutions to the market has been crucial.” This highlights the collaborative nature of the industry and the need for a collective effort to drive positive change in healthcare technology.

The Impact of Software in Healthcare

As HPA ventured into the software division, the episode shed light on the intricate relationship between hardware and software in healthcare. Wigham articulated, “The synergy of hardware and software has been really important. Selecting the right hardware that works seamlessly with the software is crucial for optimal workflow and efficiency.” This insight underscores the interconnected nature of technology solutions in healthcare and their direct impact on clinical workflows.

The Potential of AI and Wearables

The discussion delved into the potential of AI and wearables in revolutionising healthcare. Wigham expressed his excitement about the future, stating, “I can see AI really benefiting healthcare with wearables. The next five years are going to be incredibly exciting.” This highlights the optimism and anticipation for the transformative role of AI and wearable devices in patient monitoring and care delivery.


Enhancing Patient Records and Data Integrity

The partnership between HPA and Harris Data Integrity was highlighted as a significant move towards improving patient records and data integrity within healthcare institutions. Wigham explained, “It’s a piece of software that scrubs and unifies the single patient record, addressing the challenge of multiple records for the same patient across different facilities.” This partnership exemplifies the commitment to enhancing data accuracy and ultimately improving patient care outcomes.

Embracing the Transformative Potential

The episode of Talking HealthTech featuring Shawn Wigham provided invaluable insights into the evolving landscape of healthcare technology. From the evolution of HPA to the impactful potential of AI and wearables, the discussion illuminated the ongoing transformation within the healthcare technology space. As healthcare continues to embrace technological advancements, the collaborative efforts of industry players, the integration of hardware and software, and the harnessing of AI and wearables are poised to revolutionise patient care and operational efficiency in healthcare institutions.
