Talking HealthTech: 392 – Unlocking the Digital Front Door in Healthcare. Nicole Nixon, Five Faces

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Talking HealthTech

Published on:
10 November 2023

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In this episode of Talking HealthTech, host Nathan Moore interviews Nicole Nixon, CEO of Five Faces, a patient experience technology company. The discussion centred around Nixon’s diverse background and its impact on her approach to leadership in the healthcare industry. The episode also delved into the concept of the digital front door in healthcare and how Five Faces has navigated the shift towards patient-centric care, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. This article explores the key points raised during the interview and highlights the growing adoption of digital technologies in healthcare.

Nicole Nixon: A Diverse Background Shaping Healthcare Innovation

Nicole Nixon’s career journey has been nothing short of diverse, with experiences ranging from serving in the Royal Australian Air Force to working in entertainment and business turnaround. These varied experiences provided Nixon with a unique perspective on teamwork, adaptability, and the importance of embracing new opportunities. Nixon’s time in the Air Force, particularly her involvement in Hercules deployments, instilled in her the belief that anything is possible when a team comes together. This mindset of collaboration and problem-solving has greatly influenced her leadership style at Five Faces and shaped the company’s approach to healthcare innovation.

The Digital Front Door: Redefining Patient Access to Healthcare

The concept of the digital front door in healthcare refers to the use of digital technologies to streamline and improve the patient experience

As Nixon explained, the digital front door encompasses various aspects, such as scheduling appointments, accessing healthcare records, and even conducting virtual consultations. Traditionally, patients had to rely on physical letters, phone calls, and in-person visits to access healthcare services. The digital front door revolutionises this process by providing a centralised platform where patients can conveniently access and manage their healthcare needs. This shift towards digital access not only improves patient convenience but also aligns with changing consumer expectations.

Navigating Change: Five Faces’ Response to COVID-19

The COVID-19 pandemic brought about unprecedented challenges to the healthcare industry, necessitating rapid changes and adaptations. Five Faces, like many other healthcare organisations, recognized the need to prioritise patient experience during this tumultuous time. The company quickly shifted its focus towards enhancing digital solutions to meet the evolving needs of patients and healthcare providers. By embracing technologies such as QR codes, Five Faces facilitated a seamless transition to remote consultations and digital appointment management. The success of this shift can largely be attributed to the company’s willingness to listen, collaborate, and swiftly implement solutions tailored to the unique circumstances.


The Role of Technology in Driving Healthcare Transformation

Healthcare organisations are increasingly embracing digital technologies due to several driving factors. One crucial factor is the changing expectations of consumers. Patients now expect the convenience and accessibilityafforded by technology, just as they experience in other facets of their lives. Additionally, the demand on healthcare professionals continues to increase, making it imperative to find ways to alleviate administrative burdens and allow more time for quality patient care. By adopting digital technologies, healthcare organisations can empower patients to take control of their healthcare journeys and enable clinicians to focus on delivering personalised, meaningful care.


Nicole Nixon highlights the importance of embracing digital transformation in healthcare. By reimagining the traditional patient experience through the digital front door, healthcare organisations like Five Faces can provide patients with greater convenience and flexibility in accessing care. The COVID-19 pandemic served as a catalyst for rapid technology adoption and showcased the agility and resilience of healthcare organisations in responding to challenges. As the healthcare industry continues to evolve, the integration of digital technologies will play a pivotal role in improving patient engagement, enhancing clinician efficiency, and ultimately transforming the way we approach healthcare.
