Talking HealthTech: 375 – Growth hacking around an advertising ban on Tinder. James Sneddon, Stigma Health

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Talking HealthTech

Published on:
12 September 2023

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Sexual health is often stigmatised and overlooked, but it’s an essential aspect of overall well-being. In a recent Talking HealthTech episode, James Sneddon, co-founder of Stigma Health, discusses how they’re changing the narrative. Their focus isn’t just on business growth but also on raising sexual health awareness and promoting a sex-positive culture. This episode examines some key points from that conversation and underscores the importance of sexual health education.

The Founding Principles of Stigma Health

Stigma Health was founded by James Sneddon and Dr. Mitchell Tanner with the objective of offering specialised online clinics. Their main areas of focus include pathology referrals and sexual health awareness. The part-time venture has gradually evolved into a more comprehensive enterprise.

The Shift Towards Telehealth

The pandemic accelerated the adoption of telehealth services. For Stigma Health, it meant a rapid increase in new patient registrations. This underscores the need for healthcare systems to be adaptable and prepared for sudden shifts, particularly in areas as crucial yet often neglected as sexual health.

The Importance of User Experience

Operating without external capital, Stigma Health has prioritised creating an exceptional experience for their users. This user-centric approach has not only facilitated patient retention but also generated valuable word-of-mouth referrals, underlining the significance of customer satisfaction and reputation in healthcare.

Building Partnerships

Even without external funding, Stigma Health has successfully built strategic partnerships, such as their collaboration with Sonic Health Pathology. This has optimised their service delivery and improved patient experiences, proving that business growth and impactful healthcare aren’t mutually exclusive.


Weighing the Pros and Cons of Investment

While Stigma Health has considered and received angel investments, they’re cautious about relinquishing equity and being beholden to investor expectations. Instead, they aim to maximise their existing resources to continue their focus on sexual health awareness and education.

Learning from Mistakes

Mistakes are part and parcel of any venture. For Stigma Health, navigating errors has led to a more robust business model and fortified stakeholder relationships. It also reinforces their belief in the transformative power of an educational, sex-positive approach in healthcare.


Stigma Health isn’t just another success story in the tech-driven healthcare sector. By focusing on a often-overlooked area like sexual health, they underscore the need for education, destigmatisation, and a patient-first approach. The insights from this episode serves as a reminder that healthcare companies can indeed balance profitability with making a significant impact on public health.
