HR and Recruitment

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Hiring ideal professionals for success

Quickly and easily connect with qualified job seekers suited to your practice and culture to expand your practice and promote business success.

Hiring processes are streamlined through recruitment services, ensuring the quality and competency of staff and fostering outstanding patient care. Recruitment services save valuable time and resources through offering access to a wide network of healthcare candidates, evaluating candidate qualifications and credentials, complying with industry-specific regulations and the matching healthcare professionals with well-suited roles and organisations.


Recruitment campaign processes begin with a consulting call, where you discuss your practice, open positions, workplace benefits and your ideal candidate. From here, recruitment professionals create online landing pages and tailored advertising to attract relevant candidates. Screening questions are written based on your practice details to shortlist candidates, and applicant information is clearly stored. You will be provided with this final online talent pool, and can hire the most suitable healthcare professional(s) for your practice.


Find the best candidates for your healthcare practice with recruitment services from Doceo’s hand-picked industry professionals.

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