Business Brokerage

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Streamlined services for successful acquisition

A smooth transition of healthcare practice ownership, maximising the value and success of transactions, is facilitated through business brokerage.

Business brokerage helps healthcare professionals navigate the intricacies of selling or acquiring practices, achieve optimal value and minimise patient care disruption. It also maintains confidentiality of patient information during the sale process, identifies and connects qualified buyers with healthcare practices for sale, manages sale marketing, facilitates negotiations between buyers and sellers and coordinates due diligence processes.


If you are looking to buy a practice, you can sign up to business buyer watchlists to receive digital market communication. The majority of buying and selling services are provided through face-to-face or video call consultations to ensure practice needs are met with clarity and accuracy. If you are interested in business brokerage services, you can book a free consultation with one of Doceo’s industry partners for further information.


With Doceo partnerships, engage with experienced business brokers who utilise their healthcare-specific knowledge to maximise benefits and ease transitions.

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