Talking HealthTech: 445 – Healthcare AI Evolution: From Machine Learning to Generative AI. Melvin Chen, KeyReply

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11 June 2024

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In this episode of Talking HealthTech, Peter Birch sits down with Melvin Chen, Co-founder and Chief Commercial Officer of KeyReply, to explore the impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on healthcare, focusing on how generative AI is reshaping hospital and clinic operations. 

Innovation at the Intersection of Healthcare and AI

The healthcare industry is no stranger to the rapid technological advancements transforming its landscape. AI has emerged as a potent force driving efficiency and innovation in hospitals and clinics in recent years. Melvin Chen, a seasoned expert with international experience from the UK to Singapore, shares how AI makes healthcare systems more productive, ultimately benefiting clinicians and patients.

The Evolution of AI in Healthcare

The journey of AI in healthcare began with basic machine learning models focused on intent-based processing. Over time, advancements like the introduction of GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) technology have revolutionised AI’s capabilities. The introduction of GPT technology has marked a significant shift from traditional intent-based, machine-learning AI to more advanced generative AI. This transition allows AI systems to engage in more human-like interactions and handle complex queries, significantly enhancing their utility in healthcare settings.

Streamlining Operational Productivity

Operational productivity is paramount in modern hospitals and clinics. AI technologies are increasingly deployed to tackle laborious tasks that often burden healthcare staff. From appointment bookings to post-appointment follow-ups, AI can manage these processes efficiently. This saves time and addresses the perennial issue of workforce shortages in healthcare. Healthcare is an industry characterised by significant inflation and persistent workforce shortages, making it challenging to meet the growing demand. By automating routine tasks, healthcare providers can redirect their focus to more complex and patient-centric activities.

Addressing Clinician Burnout

Healthcare systems worldwide are grappling with clinician burnout, exacerbated by administrative burdens and workforce shortages. AI can play a crucial role in alleviating this issue by automating repetitive tasks, thus allowing clinicians to concentrate on patient care. The impact of AI on clinical workflows extends to areas like rostering and incident management, significantly reducing the administrative load on healthcare professionals. 

Improving Workforce Efficiency

Labour shortages are a global concern in healthcare. AI solutions offer a pragmatic approach to making healthcare workforces more productive and efficient. By employing AI to automate routine tasks, healthcare providers can maximise their existing workforce, ensuring patients receive timely, high-quality care. Technology comes in to reduce the ever-increasing costs and try to stem the inflationary nature of healthcare labour.

Emergency departments (EDs) are often overwhelmed by high patient volumes and administrative tasks. AI can help manage these pressures by automating patient triage, scheduling, and follow-up processes. By streamlining these operations, EDs can enhance responsiveness and improve patient outcomes. 

Patient Engagement and Experience

One critical application of AI in healthcare is enhancing patient engagement. AI-driven systems can streamline pre-appointment, during appointment, and post-appointment interactions. This not only improves patient satisfaction but also reduces the workload on administrative staff. For example, in Singapore, KeyReply’s AI solutions have been deployed across more than 20 hospitals, improving efficiency and patient outcomes. When individuals interact with an interface that feels human instead of a traditional computer system, the overall experience fundamentally changes.


Healthcare Challenges in Singapore and Australia

Singapore and Australia face similar healthcare challenges, such as labour shortages and high operational costs. However, each country has unique characteristics that influence how AI solutions are implemented. In Singapore, for instance, KeyReply has successfully reduced administrative burdens in hospitals by implementing AI-driven virtual assistants, thereby enhancing overall productivity. Melvin observes that the labour costs in Australia are higher, so their ability to add value here is even more significant.

Demystifying AI and Reducing Adoption Barriers

One crucial task for AI proponents is to demystify the technology and reduce perceived adoption barriers. Many stakeholders may view AI as risky or prohibitively expensive, hindering its widespread adoption. These misconceptions can be overcome by educating healthcare providers about AI’s capabilities and demonstrating its practical benefits. Chen’s mission in Australia involves showcasing pilot programs that highlight AI’s impact and encourage broader implementation

The Human Touch in AI

Despite its advanced capabilities, AI must retain a human touch to be effective in healthcare. Patients and clinicians alike prefer interactions that feel natural and empathetic. Generative AI excels at this, offering responses that mimic human communication, enhancing user experience. This humanistic approach is crucial for AI’s acceptance and success in healthcare settings as people don’t want to work with a system; they want to engage with something that feels human.


Transforming Customer Support with AI

AI can greatly benefit healthcare customer support. From answering financial queries to managing appointment schedules, AI can efficiently handle a variety of customer interactions. In Singapore, KeyReply’s AI solutions have significantly reduced the need for traditional service desks, offering automated support through digital channels. This transformation leads to better resource utilisation and higher patient satisfaction. 

AI: A Catalyst for Global Healthcare Improvement

AI’s impact on healthcare is not confined to a single region but has global implications. Different countries can learn from each other’s experiences, adopting best practices and technologies to improve their healthcare systems. Melvin’s global perspective highlights the importance of sharing knowledge and innovations across borders.

Embracing AI for a Brighter Future

Integrating AI in healthcare is not just a technological advancement; it’s a paradigm shift that promises to improve patient care and operational efficiency. The future of healthcare lies in the seamless integration of technology and human expertise. By harnessing AI’s potential, we can work towards a healthcare system that is more efficient, empathetic, and responsive to the needs of patients and clinicians alike. The journey may be challenging, but the rewards are well worth the effort. 
