Talking HealthTech: 440 – Fostering Trust in HealthTech through Clinician Collaboration and AI. Sudeep Acharya and Cate Hilliard, MTX

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Published on:
24 May 2024

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Technology provides advanced solutions for age-old problems in today’s ever-evolving healthcare industry. In this episode of Talking HealthTech, we explore the role of technology in healthcare with insights from Sudeep Acharya, CEO of MTX APAC, and Cate Hilliard, Director of Health and Human Services at MTX APAC. They discuss technology’s unique challenges and opportunities in the public and healthcare sectors, emphasising the importance of industry-specific solutions and stakeholder engagement in technology development.

Understanding the Role of Technology in Healthcare

Due to stringent regulatory requirements and the critical nature of healthcare services, the digital transformation in healthcare has been significant, albeit slower compared to other sectors. Sudeep describes the landscape: “We build technology solutions to solve complex business processes using technology to serve their customers better.” 

MTX focuses on creating systems that resonate deeply with healthcare facilities’ daily operations, improving operational efficiency and patient care. The approach is not about using technology for technology’s sake but addressing the nuanced needs of healthcare providers and patients. This user-centric development ensures that technology is an enabler rather than a disruptor.

Stakeholder Engagement in Technology Development

Sudeep and Cate stress the critical role of involving end-users, such as clinicians and healthcare professionals, in the technology development process. Cate shares her experience, emphasising, ““It’s really important to put the customer’s view at the centre of what we’re doing and having clinicians and that credibility they bring when you’re introducing solutions to an organisation.” This collaborative approach ensures the solutions developed are practical, beneficial, and readily adopted by healthcare providers.

Overcoming Challenges with Flexible and Adaptive Technology

One of the major points discussed involves the adaptability of technology in healthcare settings. Technology solutions in healthcare must be flexible enough to meet the rapidly changing demands of this sector. Cate recounts a project where immediate feedback from the clinic floor led to quick adjustments in the system, enhancing both user experience and patient care. This iterative approach to development — listening and adapting — is crucial in a field where human lives are impacted.

Emerging Technologies and the Future of Healthcare

Looking ahead, both speakers highlighted the significant potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and modern cloud computing systems to revolutionise patient care. Sudeep pointed out that AI can help create efficiency in healthcare professionals’ work, enabling them to do quality work. The integration of AI can streamline processes, reduce redundancies, and ensure healthcare providers have the necessary information at the right time, improving decision-making and patient outcomes.


Emphasising the Role of Trust in Healthcare Technology

An underlying theme in the discussion is the importance of trust. Technology solutions must be secure from a data protection viewpoint and trustworthy enough for users to rely on them for critical healthcare decisions. Building this trust involves secure and robust systems and ensuring they are transparent and user-friendly for healthcare professionals who rely on them daily.

Looking Forward: Innovations on the Horizon

The healthcare sector is poised for a technological revolution, with companies like MTX driving innovations tailored to its unique needs. The focus is on solving current challenges and anticipating future needs, particularly in remote healthcare delivery and ageing populations. Sudeep’s vision extends to creating a holistic view of a patient’s history through integrated platforms, facilitating better healthcare outcomes.


Toward a More Cooperative Healthcare Ecosystem

In conclusion, the harmonious balance between people, processes, and technology is the cornerstone of effective healthcare delivery. As highlighted by Cate, “Successful technology is about three components: people, process, and technology. They’ve all got to work interchangeably. If you get the people, the process, and the technology right, it’s a fine blend between the three of them.” 

The strategic integration of technology promises to transform the healthcare landscape, from improving operational efficiencies to enhancing patient care. Sudeep aptly notes that combining clinical insights with technological innovation is essential for advancing healthcare.

As we look ahead, it is clear that technology tailored to the specific needs of healthcare, developed in collaboration with those it aims to serve, will play a pivotal role in shaping a healthier future.
