Talking HealthTech: 435 – How Health Practitioners & Employers Can Benefit From Telehealth. Greg Lewin, Updoc

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Published on:
3 May 2024

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As the world continues to evolve, healthcare systems are increasingly integrating innovative solutions to enhance service delivery and patient care. In this episode of Talking HealthTech, we explore the impact of telehealth services, in a conversation with Greg Lewin from Updoc, a company aiming to redefine healthcare accessibilityin Australia.

Innovating for Better Access and Efficiency

The primary focus of Updoc is to streamline access to quality healthcare through its technology platform. By integrating intent-driven searches, the company connects patients with the right healthcare providers efficiently, reducing wait times significantly. For rural residents or those unable to travel, this service has proven indispensable.

Greg Lewin emphasised the significant role telehealth plays in modern healthcare: “Telehealth is not just an alternative; it’s becoming a mainstay in our pursuit to offer comprehensive and immediate healthcare solutions to patients everywhere.” 

On-Demand Healthcare: A New Norm

Updoc’s promise of consultations within an hour showcases an on-demand healthcare model mirroring the immediacy of modern consumer services. This approach is particularly appealing to employers who desire to provide better healthcare services to their employees, ensuring minimal disruption to work due to health-related absences.

The concept of on-demand care, as explained by Greg, addresses both urgent and routine medical needs, ensuring that high-quality care is just a few clicks away. “By reducing the waiting time for consultations, we not only enhance service delivery but also alleviate the anxiety associated with waiting,” says Lewin. This approach champions patient-centric care that prioritises timely access to healthcare resources.

The Role of Technology in Scaling Healthcare Solutions

Updoc leverages a technological platform to facilitate seamless interactions between patients and healthcare providers. The Updoc Pro feature, offering unlimited consultations, has been reported as beneficial for individuals with chronic conditions or those in need of continuous care.

Technology’s role extends beyond just facilitating doctor-patient interactions; it involves creating a scalable infrastructure that meets the growing demand for diverse healthcare services. As Greg states, “Our technology is continuously evolving to ensure scalability and adaptability to the diverse needs of our service users.”


Addressing Diverse Healthcare Needs

Aside from general consultations, Updoc offers a range of services including alternative medicine and weight loss management, which demonstrates their holistic approach to healthcare. This diversification meets the broader spectrum of patient needs, enhancing overall wellness.

The success of Updoc’s model lies in its comprehensive understanding of the healthcare market’s needs, from delivery to provider adequacy. “Our aim is to create a balanced marketplace where patient demand and practitioner supply are in harmony,” explains Lewin. 

The Future Outlook of Telehealth Services

The continuous integration of telehealth into everyday healthcare practice is inevitable. Updoc’s vision extends internationally with plans to adapt their successful model to healthcare systems in other countries, potentially transforming global healthcare practices.

Greg Lewin summarises the aspirations of Updoc: “Our vision is grand yet simple – to make quality healthcare accessible and timely, tailored to the needs of every individual, regardless of their geographical location.”


Paving the Way Forward in Healthcare

As technology becomes increasingly intertwined with healthcare, platforms like Updoc will drive forward a future where quality healthcare is universally accessible. 

In Lewin’s words, “The integration of advanced technology in healthcare is not just about innovation; it’s about revolutionising how we perceive and receive care.” 
