Talking HealthTech: 425 – How to master your nervous system at work

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Talking HealthTech

Published on:
29 March 2024

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As the modern world continues to navigate the dynamic landscape of healthcare, the convergence of technology and innovation has ushered in a new era of transformative advancements. In this episode of Talking HealthTech, Claire Wu, CEO of Breathe Into Peace, shared insights on mastering the nervous system, functional jewellery for anxiety management, and the intersection of entrepreneurship and mental health. Claire’s multifaceted expertise as a therapist, business development expert, and mental health advocate provided a comprehensive perspective on the evolving intersections of mental health, technology, and entrepreneurship.

Mastering the Nervous System at Work

Understanding Polyvagal Theory and Its Impact on the Nervous System

The nervous system serves as an important regulator within the human body, influencing emotional responses, behavioural patterns, and overall well-being. Claire Wu delved into the significance of the polyvagal theory, shedding light on its interconnectedness with emotional regulation and the physiological aspects of stress responses. “Our body and mind are closely intertwined, with the largest nerve, the vagus nerve, serving as a powerful tool for regulating emotions and social connections.”

Dysregulated Nervous System and Strategies for Self-Regulation

A dysregulated nervous system can contribute to conditions such as burnout, anxiety, and chronic stress. Claire emphasised the importance of understanding the three states within the nervous system and the impact of shifting between these states on emotional reactions. “A dysregulated nervous system can have profound effects on an individual’s well-being, leading to chronic anxiety, stress, and burnout.” She discussed the significance of tools that aid in regulating the nervous system at the body, mind, and connection levels.


Breathe Into Peace: Pioneering Functional Jewellery for Anxiety Management

Inspired by her extensive experience as a therapist and her personal journey with anxiety, Claire Wu articulated the genesis of Breathe Into Peace, a venture dedicated to helping individuals manage anxiety. She has recently launched her own functional jewellery designed to facilitate nervous system regulation, to slow down breathing patterns, activate the vagal break, and calm the nervous system, heart rate, and stress responses.

Challenges in Entrepreneurship and Overcoming Obstacles

Claire Wu openly shared the challenges she encountered in building Breathe Into Peace and detailed her strategies for surmounting entrepreneurial obstacles. “Navigating entrepreneurship in mental health and well-being presented several obstacles, particularly in stocking products and securing partnerships with wholesalers. However, understanding the needs of retail and wholesale partners has been pivotal in overcoming these challenges.”

Expanding Innovative Solutions and Products

Beyond functional jewellery, Breathe Into Peace envisions exploring additional innovative solutions to support individuals in managing anxiety and stress. Claire Wu shared insights into an upcoming venture, the Xenity app, focusing on fostering meaningful connections and facilitating co-regulation and coping strategies. “Our vision extends to in-person events and workshops, providing practical mental health tools tailored for the modern world.”


Mentorship and Entrepreneurship: Nurturing Growth and Development

Claire acknowledged the important role of mentorship in her entrepreneurial journey, underscoring the guidance offered by mentors across various facets of her professional trajectory. “Mentorship has been pivotal in aligning our vision and mission with actionable strategies, ensuring a harmonious blend of clinical expertise and business acumen.”

Embracing Digital Transformation in Mental Health

Claire Wu envisioned a future where mental health tools are accessible and affordable, advocating for a preventive approach to mental well-being. “Digital tools have the potential to bridge the gap in mental health access, offering affordable and accessible avenues for nurturing mental well-being and preventing mental health challenges.”

Embracing Change for a Healthier Future

Navigating the complexities of mental health, technology, and entrepreneurship presents multifaceted challenges and opportunities. Claire Wu’s insights offers an example for embracing change and leveraging innovation to enhance individual well-being and mental health
