Talking HealthTech: 414 – The State of Analytics & Interoperability – Where to From Here? Andrew Aho, InterSystems and Robi Karp, Fluffy Spider Technologies

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Published on:
22 February 2024

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In a recent LinkedIn livestream session hosted by Talking HealthTech, Peter Birch, along with industry experts Andrew Aho and Robi Karp, delved into analytics, interoperability, and innovation in the Australian healthcare industry. Attendees to the virtual event helped shape the discussion in the live chat.  Make sure you’re following Talking HealthTech on LinkedIn so you can attend the next one and be part of the discussion!

Regulatory Hurdles for Innovation

The regulatory landscape for medtech startups, particularly in the realm of medical device certification, can be perceived as a potential barrier to innovation to some. Some innovators might take the view that the extensive focus on compliance not only drains resources but also stifles the agility needed for transformative healthcare solutions. Streamlining these processes is critical for fostering an environment where innovation can thrive.

Resistance to Technology Adoption

Adopting new technologies in healthcare can be met with resistance from the frontline, stemming from concerns over patient risk, regulatory compliance, and the fear of negative outcomes. Overcoming this resistance requires strategic change management, emphasising the safe and effective integration of advancements like artificial intelligence into clinical settings.

The Challenge and Necessity of Interoperability

Interoperability and data sharing pose challenges but are essential for advancing healthcare. Electronic discharge summaries serve as a prime example, where inefficiencies in data sharing hinder patient care continuity. A unified approach to data sharing, including the accelerated adoption of standards like FHIR, is important for enhancing healthcare delivery and patient outcomes.


The Power of Data Analytics

Data Analytics has the potential to revolutionise healthcare resource allocation and mitigate clinician burnout. As a potent tool for enhancing healthcare delivery, it improves patient outcomes and drives operational efficiencies within the healthcare system. The strategic application of data analytics can transform decision-making processes and resource management in healthcare settings.

The Role of Interoperability in Patient Care

Interoperability is crucial for leveraging the full benefits of data analytics and real-time messaging in healthcare. It plays a pivotal role in enhancing patient outcomes and reducing healthcare system costs by enabling seamless data exchange and integration across different healthcare platforms and services.


Training and Support for Technological Integration

The integration of new technologies into healthcare systems necessitates adequate training and support. The challenges of acquiring necessary skills and budget constraints highlight the need for comprehensive training programs. These programs are essential for ensuring that healthcare professionals can effectively utilise new technologies to improve patient care.

A Roadmap for Healthcare Innovation

Healthcare organisations have access to enormous volumes of data assets from multiple and disparate sources, that can be harnessed to improve clinical and patient outcomes. But despite the huge progress made in healthcare IT in recent years, healthcare organisations continue to struggle with the collection, analysis, and application of data to make timely decisions.

The annual survey of healthcare executives in Australia & New Zealand by InterSystems highlights the hurdles organisations face in their data management and analytics endeavours. The findings provide valuable insights to chart the future data roadmaps in healthcare organisations.

To learn more, download your guide to the key data management and analytics challenges faced by healthcare executives in Australia and New Zealand here.
