Talking HealthTech: 412 – ANDHealth Summit 2023 Highlights: International Expansion and Digital Health Trends Translated

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Talking HealthTech

Published on:
16 February 2024

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The ANDHealth 2023 Summit served as a gathering for international and national thought leaders to explore the potential of digital health and discuss its impact on patient outcomes and industry challenges. The event brought together experts to provide honest and raw discussions about the real-life challenges faced by innovators, health systems, and investors in the digital health sector.  Sophie Turner from Talking HealthTech was there to speak with some of the speakers about the key topics and takeaways from the event.

Designing for Underserved Populations: A Powerful Impact

One of the key takeaways from the summit was the profound impact of designing digital health technologies for underserved populations. This approach has the potential to address health equity and improve the lives of millions of people. As Dr. Devinder Chauhan, CEO of Macujet, emphasised, “Focusing on underserved populations in healthcare technology can drive meaningful change and improve global health outcomes.”

Challenges of Navigating the US Market in Digital Health

The summit delved into the challenges and insights gained from navigating the US market for digital health products. Fiona Hammond, from Perx Health, shared the difficulties in proving the usefulness of their solutions and gaining traction in the US public health landscape. Fiona highlighted the significance of utilising digital health to provide equity of care and sustainability across multiple industries. She found the insights from Ken and Kate from Chicago ARC about shared knowledge and collaboration to be extremely valuable.

Insights into Collaboration and Partnership with Larger Corporates

The event also featured discussions about the challenges of partnering with larger corporates and the difficulties in finding the right entry points and advocates within those organisations. Emma Ball from Illumina discussed her role in ecosystem development and supporting startups with genomics technology. Emma highlighted the need to build relationships within companies and how sharing stories of pitching to multinationals can help startups be successful in partnering with them.

Amandeep Hansra, a GP and digital health expert, shared his involvement with health tech startups and discussed a panel on digital health, emphasising the need for safe and effective digital health solutions. Amandeep stressed the importance of adhering to principles of safety and quality in healthcare despite technological advancements.

The Impact of Diverse Data Sets and Knowledge Exchange

The ANDHealth Summit aimed to promote bi-directional learning and knowledge exchange between international experts and Australian startups in the digital health sector. The summit emphasised the importance of diverse data sets in digital health technologies, the bias within current data sets, and the need for more inclusive and representative data. As Peter Hawkes from Johnson & Johnson Medtech expressed, “Aligning unmet healthcare needs with potential solutions and payers is crucial in driving impactful innovation in digital health.”

Shaping the Future of Digital Health

The conversations and insights shared at the ANDHealth Summit shed light on the complexities and opportunities within the digital health landscape. From addressing the challenges of navigating the US market to the importance of inclusive data sets and collaboration with larger corporates, the event provided a platform for thought leaders to share valuable experiences and learnings. As industry leaders and innovators continue to address these insights, the future of digital health holds the potential to revolutionise patient care and drive positive health outcomes globally.

It paved the way for further exploration and collaboration within the digital health industry, empowering innovators to make strides in developing impactful and inclusive digital health solutions. As Kate Merton from Chicago ARC emphasised, “Consulting frontline workers and focusing on the underserved are vital steps in implementing technology that truly addresses healthcare needs.”
