Talking HealthTech: 407 – Marginal Gains in health and technology: Navigating the Intersection for Better Patient Care. Dr Gihan de Mel

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Published on:
6 February 2024

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In this episode of Talking HealthTech, Dr. Gihan de Mel, a general practitioner (GP) and guest on the podcast, provided valuable insights into the critical role of technology in revolutionising preventative care in general practice

In this episode, Gihan emphasised the need for earlier intervention, the evolving landscape of general practice in Australia, and the potential impact of technology on patient care and preventive measures. 

The Missed Opportunity for Preventative Care

Gihan underscored a significant issue within relatively fit, healthy populations – the lack of engagement with preventative care. He highlighted the concern of people in the 20-50 age group rarely visiting GPs, which represents a missed opportunity for early intervention and health maintenance. This emphasises the need for a paradigm shift towards proactive healthcare practices to effectively address potential health risks before they escalate.

“Preventative care should not wait until illness strikes. Early intervention and maintaining regular health check-ups are crucial for long-term wellbeing.”

Empowering Women’s Health during Menopause

An impactful theme discussed by Gihan was the need for earlier intervention to support women going through menopause. He emphasised the importance of avoiding the loss of years of care during this vital stage of a woman’s life. By acknowledging and addressing the unique healthcare needs of women, particularly during menopause, the healthcare industry can work towards providing comprehensive and holistic care to this demographic.

Involving Employers in Funding Healthcare

Gihan shed light on a compelling concept – the involvement of employers in funding healthcare. He articulated that this approach not only improves productivity but also fosters a sense of loyalty among employees. This innovative strategy aims to intertwine healthcare with corporate responsibility, ultimately benefiting both employees and businesses by prioritising the health and wellbeing of the workforce.

“The collaboration between employers and the healthcare sector holds the potential to create a supportive and nurturing environment that promotes holistic wellbeing.”

The Future of Technology in Healthcare: Enhancing Communication

Gihan championed the idea of improving communication between hospitals and GPs through technology. This forward-thinking approach aims to streamline information sharing, promote efficiency, and enhance the coordination of care between different healthcare providers.

The Role of Technology in General Practice

There is a big opportunity for technology to streamline GP reporting requirements and tasks. Gihan elucidated how technology can lead to time-saving and meaningful impacts in consultations. The introduction of the Stream Deck, originally designed for gamers and streamers, reimagined for use in GP practice during the COVID vaccination period, exemplified the tangible benefits that technology brings to the efficiency and efficacy of general practice.


Revolutionising Preventative Care: The Collaborative Approach

Gihan underscored the importance of practical solutions in healthcare and the collaborative effort within the medical community to implement technology. The comprehensive picture painted by the conversation highlighted the necessity of driving progress through collaboration, where technology and medical expertise intersect to create a seamless healthcare experience for patients.

The Evolving Landscape of General Practice in Australia

The evolving landscape of general practice in Australia covers funding models, stakeholder involvement, and the increasing prevalence of private billing. Gihan provided critical insights into the potential impacts of these changes on patient care and preventive measures. Thisdemonstrated the dynamic nature of healthcare delivery, showcasing the necessity for adaptability and innovation in response to the evolving needs of patients and healthcare providers.

A New Era of Technology in Healthcare

The transformative potential of technology in healthcare was further emphasised as the conversation delved into health data interpretation and AI technology. Gihan highlighted the complexities involved in these domains, emphasising the need for a conscientious and cautious approach towards technology’s increasing role in healthcare. The conversation underscored the imperative of integrating technology while preserving the essential human touch in patient care.


The Power of Practical Solutions in Healthcare

Gihan shared insights on the concept of marginal gains, emphasising the significance of incremental improvements in healthcare. This highlighted the effective application of small-scale solutions to address existing challenges, ultimately leading to a significant impact on patient care and overall healthcare delivery.

Pioneering the Future of Healthcare

Technology has a pivotal role in transforming general practice and revolutionising preventative care. The imperative of early intervention, collaboration, and the conscientious integration of technology were underscored as essential catalysts to elevate patient care and wellbeing. As the healthcare landscape evolves, the synergy between medical expertise and technological innovation emerges as a powerful force driving the future of healthcare towards a comprehensive, patient-centric, and preventative care-oriented paradigm.
