Talking HealthTech: 321 – Data-driven healthcare, pharmacies in the pandemic & cybersecurity in hospitals. RSM Health Business & Technology Conference Feature Episode.

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Talking HealthTech

Published on:
13 January 2023

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Technology has become increasingly important in the healthcare industry, with innovations and data analysis helping to improve patient care and streamline processes. However, with this increased reliance on technology comes the need for improved security measures to protect sensitive patient data and critical medical systems.

At the RSM Health, Business & Technology Conference, held in Sydney and Melbourne last October, industry experts gathered to discuss the potential benefits and risks of technology in healthcare. 

Data-Driven Healthcare: The Habits of Successful Organisations

One of the speakers, Charlie Farah, Senior Director at Qlik, emphasised the importance of focusing on the people and processes involved in a transformation journey, rather than just the technology. He also highlighted the need for a dedicated business intelligence and analytics function within an organisation and the importance of gathering data to make informed decisions and prioritise efforts. Farah stressed the importance of executive support and breaking down silos in order to be successful in a data-driven healthcare organisation.

Pharmacies in the Pandemic: Adapting to Changing Consumer Expectations

Catherine Bronger, General Manager of Chemistworks Group, discussed the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on pharmacies and the importance of technology in adapting to changing consumer expectations. She noted that the pandemic led to the implementation of electronic prescriptions and vaccinations, and that pharmacies have always offered delivery services, but consumers were not aware of this. Bronger emphasised the need for pharmacies to offer online ordering and delivery options, as well as virtual consultations and telehealth services, in order to remain competitive and meet the needs of consumers.

Cybersecurity in Healthcare: Protecting Sensitive Patient Data

Roshan Fernandes, Information Security and Risk Manager at Western Sydney Local Health District, highlighted the importance of cybersecurity in healthcare settings. He noted that cyber incidents can have serious consequences, including the potential for harm to patients. Fernandes also pointed out that healthcare information has more value on the dark web than financial information because it cannot be changed. He emphasised the need for foundational controls in place, including access control, encryption, and endpoint protection, in order to reduce the risk of cybersecurity threats. Fernandes discussed the challenges of managing cybersecurity in the current climate, with an increased reliance on remote care and the use of various networks.

Overall, the RSM Health, Business & Technology Conference provided valuable insights into the role of technology in healthcare and the importance of protecting sensitive patient data. By prioritising people and processes and implementing strong cybersecurity measures, healthcare organisations can effectively leverage technology to improve patient care and stay ahead in an increasingly competitive market.
