Practice Foundations

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Career progression for student doctors

Receive skill development resources, networking opportunities, and tailored advice to advance your medical career with Doceo.

Being a student doctor is filled with multifarious considerations spanning specialisation, the job market, work-life balance, employment setting, career development, and networking and connections – all while studying and completing placements. Just to enter the practice sphere, career development must precede.

For support throughout your student doctor journey which prepares you for the workforce, network with carefully selected medical professionals and organisations via education, mentoring, partnership opportunities, connections, and online resources.

Doceo understands that student doctors have varying goals, aspirations and experience, and provides a diverse range of networks, events, and communications to meet individual needs and facilitate career development, health and wellbeing, and practice-related knowledge.

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Boost Your Career

Talk to an experienced medical industry consultant about your current situation and aspirations. Discover the connections and training opportunities available, and determine the best pathways to achieve your career goals.

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